Sunday, September 20, 2009

signs of abuse.....

How does someone even know if there child is being abused? Like other problems and issues, child abuse has warning signs too. As everyone knows, there is different types of abuse. For each different type of abuse there is also different warning signs. If a child has been physically abused they may have unexplained bruises, cuts, or burns on them. Signs of neglect include frequent absences from school, begs or steals, and is consistently dirty. A child suffering from emotional abuse will show extremes in behavior,may attempt suicide, and is delayed in physical development. As a parent/guardian or a concerned citizen is get help for the child. Some other ways of helping a child, when they have been abused is, avoid denial and remain calm, don't interrogate, and reassure the child they did nothing wrong.

Are authorities doing all they can to protect children? I know that child abuse is hard to catch, but are they doing absolutely everything they can to prevent it? In a recent article that appeared in the New York Times explains that maybe they aren't doing everything they can. The story is about two child welfare workers and police found a girl dead and her sister abused. The were found in an apartment closet, with bruises and cuts on them. They found out that it was her mother that killed her. Her mother was in jail previously for assaulting a foster child. So my question is how was the mother around the kids? Also the workers weren't looking after the kids very good if something like that happened.


  1. The government does need to become a more proactive part of preventing child abuse. I love how you use stories and articles to back up your information. I think it's also cool that you include warning signs that indicate every kind of abuse you've talked about.

  2. Nice job introducing the issue. You stray a bit from your central focus, however, which is on the signs of abuse. Your discussion of the article strengthens the post, but it may have been better placed under a different post title.

  3. keep your focus on one topic. You should pick a different title for your post.

  4. This is really good! You explained everything really well. Even though you got a little off subject, i liked how you brought the story into it.

  5. Is there a chance that a child could be getting abuse but you dont see any signs? Im Its crazy to think about how people can hurt a child in some cases they end up kill them I dont know how they can do it.

  6. You might read about director Tyler Perry, who recently shared about his horrific childhood abuse. (Abuse is also found in the new movie, Precious, which he produced.)
